Its a multi-purpose education and training for

Creating and utilizing new opportunities


This website will be used to provide quality education for the Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals and the learners for the development of Human Resources in order to fulfill the requirement of different organizations of Bangladesh as well as other countries of the world.  Therefore, the aim of this site is to conduct research focusing on the latest issues of LIS education and services.

It will be exclusively used for teaching, training and learning for the professional and non-professional people through the internet. That is to say, it provides e-learning, online learning, learning through the internet using information and communication technologies. It will provide a good number of  professional training programs, such as – Developing a website using html, CSS and Word Press, various types of digital marketing, content writing and so on. The learners will obtain online training lecture using the Laptop or Desktop and even the smart phone. They are also capable of communicating and interacting with the facilitators during the class lecture and they can enjoy the recording of the class lectures later on.  The class lectures will be conducted  using ‘Zoom’ platform.  In addition, the class lectures will be uploaded in this site immediate after the finishing the recording and editing the videos of the lectures.


Service one

How To Write An Excellent Research Proposal

We provide the opportunities for the researchers who are interested to do research and pursuing scholarship for higher education in abroad. We will offer the facilities for the prospective students to write an excellent research proposal. 


Services Two

Seminars, workshops and symposiums

We will organize seminars, workshops and symposiums on different current issues of LIS education and training.

Service Three

Career counseling and discussion

  1. Academic and Professional Career Counselling
  2. Discussion on how to carry out a research successfully.
  3. A special discussion on the data analysis technique and research report writing
  4. Exploring the scholarship opportunities for higher studies
  5. Dialogues/talks about knowledge Management and sharing among the researchers



Get in touch

Professor Dr. Md. Shiful Islam
Department of Information Science and Library Management
Arts Building, University of Dhaka,Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh


Send me a Message

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